Hōkūleʻa in Transit to Alaska

Hōkūleʻa in Transit to Alaska

Moananuiākea’s Pacific Circumnavigation to Launch from Juneau on June 15 Thousands of community well-wishers and supporters came to Sand Island last Saturday to bid Hōkūleʻa a fond aloha before the start of her journey to Alaska where the Moananuiākea Voyage’s Pacific...
Hōkūleʻa Arrives in Tacoma via Matson

Hōkūleʻa Arrives in Tacoma via Matson

Moananuiākea Voyage Pacific Circumnavigation to Launch from Juneau, Alaska on June 15 Voyaging canoe Hōkūleʻa arrived in Tacoma, Washington yesterday on the R.J. Pfeiffer, a Matson container ship. The canoe was received by a crew from the Polynesian Voyaging Society...
PVS to Launch Moananuiākea Voyage

PVS to Launch Moananuiākea Voyage

Hawaiian Airlines announces sponsorship of 47-Month Circumnavigation of the Pacific After five years of planning and preparations for the Moananuiākea Voyage, the Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS) announced today that it will launch the circumnavigation of the Pacific...