October 6, 2023 | Leg 8, Day 6
October 6, 2023 | Leg 8, Day 6.
Monterey Bay, CA.
We spent the first half of the day cleaning Hōkūle’a and preparing her to share with the public in tomorrow’s canoe tours. We were guided on a learning journey during the latter half of the day by new friends from the Big Sur Land Trust on Glen Devon Ranch.
Our journey began in the van ride up the mountain. As the forests changed from eucalyptus to redwood trees, the air that breezed through the windows changed with the scenery. Under the canopy of the redwoods, the air was cool and the essence of eucalyptus changed into a deep earthy fragrance. We passed by old cabins that were built from sturdy redwood that seemed to blend in with the forest. This made me reflect on the sustainable use of local resources in home building. Nearing the summit, the dark, cool, woody scenery changed into a sunny, warm, expansive land with views miles long.
We arrived at Glen Devon Ranch! As our new friends at Big Sur Land Trust guided us around this incredible land, they shared with us the deeper meaning beyond the exquisite views. The purpose for this 860-acre land is for it to be an educational showcase for conservation, land stewardship, and artistic inspiration. We learned about the youth programs hosted at the ranch, and how the land is used to introduce children to nature in a safe environment, facilitating and nurturing a connection with Earth that they can build on in their everyday lives. Between the immense beauty that I could see and the unseen grand purpose of the land, this was an inspiring experience that I will remember forever.