Crew Profile

Dr. Seren Tokumura


Honolulu, Hawaiʻi


North Pacific Gyre


Seren has served as one of our voyage medical officers since 2018 when she sailed on Hikianalia from Honolulu to San Francisco. She treasures her experiences on the waʻa and would like to see the perpetuation of voyaging, “but more importantly,” she says, the perpetuation of voyaging “values and the translation of those values into behavioral change at large.”

Seren says she is inspired by the values that voyaging “champions, my crew, and this big beautiful world we get to explore.” In her role as a medical officer, she looks forward to keeping the crew healthy and to being “a small part of something epic.”

For Seren, Hōkūleʻa “is magic. Like her moniker star, Hōkū is an immutable symbol of guidance, reassurance, something certainly worth following and adjusting course to be in alignment with.”

While out at sea, Seren craves hot showers the most, and when sheʻs back on land, she misses seeing every sunrise and sunset from the waʻa.