Hōkūleʻa Morro Bay Public Events
Hōkūleʻa is headed to Morro Bay, CA! Please join us at these public events to learn more about Hōkūleʻa and the Moananuiākea Voyage.
October 13 – 16, 2023
Morro Bay Harbor
Tidelands Park Dock & Morro Bay Yacht Club
Arrival times are subject to change; weather permitting. Check hokulea.com and @hokuleacrew on Instagram for the latest updates.
Friday, October 13
4-6pm Welcome Ceremony at Tidelands Park Dock
Saturday, October 14
1-4pm Public Canoe Tours at Morro Bay Yacht Club
6pm Hōkūleʻa Crew “Talk Story” Event at Morro Bay Community Center, 1001 Kennedy Way
Register: https://donate.hokulea.com/MorroBayTalkStory. $10 suggested donation.
Sunday, October 15
10-12pm Public canoe Tours at Morro Bay Yacht Club
2-4pm Public Canoe Tours at Morro Bay Yacht Club