Invitation to Participate: Bay Area Welcomes Hōkūleʻa!

Aloha mai kākou! Greetings Bay Area ʻOhana! As you know, the Polynesian Voyaging Society launched the Moananuiākea Voyage for Earth from Juneau this past June. Since then, Hōkūleʻa has been making its way down the west coast of North America honoring First Nations communities in Alaska Southeast, British Columbia, and most recently, Washington State. Last week, it was humbling to see the Hawaiʻi & Pacific Islander communities in Seattle and Tacoma participate in arrival protocols (oli, hoʻokupu, etc.), a water greeting on outrigger canoes, and the performance of mele and hula honoring Hōkūleʻa and our beloved Maui community.
At this time, we would like to share more details about the Bay Area plans and we invite your participation!
Bay Area Welcomes Hōkūleʻa! Aquatic Park Cove, Sunday, Sept. 24 from 12 pm – 5 pm
Here’s a rough idea of the schedule:
12 – 1pm Hōkūleʻa sails into Aquatic Park Cove and is escorted to mooring location for traditional arrival protocols on the water.
1:30pm Crew is shuttled to shore for traditional landing protocols on the beach.
2 – 3 pm Welcome Ceremony at the bleachers: First Nations, State/City/District Officials, Hawaiian Protocol, Message from Nainoa Thompson.
3 – 5 pm Cultural tributes, presentations and performances: Celebrating Hōkūleʻa with focus on Honoring Maui
Nainoa Thompson will be giving special presentations around town, and there will also be public canoe tours of the Hōkūleʻa. Weʻll provide you the dates, times and locations as soon as these activities are confirmed. Within the coming week, youʻll be able to get the latest information by visiting our website at Here’s how you can participate:
- Protocol: There will be two protocol occasions at the Aquatic Park arrival event: Once on the beach when the crew is on the shore (1:30), and again during the welcome ceremony at the bleachers (2:30) The community oli will be: Auē Ua Hiti Ē, Ia Waʻa Nui, and I Kū Maumau. Weʻd love to have as many folks join as possible. Please contact us so we can send you information and organize a virtual meeting/rehearsal.
- Hoʻokupu/Presentations/Performance: If you, your organization, or hālau would like to offer a hoʻokupu of some type, we welcome your participation between 3 – 5 pm. This can be lei for the waʻa; a chant, song and/or hula; a tribute dedicated to the people of Maui – we welcome your participation. Please contact us so we can schedule you in the 3 – 5 pm time slot, mahalo!
- Please message us with your name and e-mail, and weʻll invite you to an Informational Zoom Meeting Wednesday, 9/13, at 6 PM PST.
Mahalo a nui loa a Ke Akua pū!